The historic Mundaring Weir Hotel, built in 1898, housed workers constructing the Western Australian water supply. The hotel, in the calming Perth Hills, offered a place for relaxation after a hard day’s work on the dam. Since then, the hotel has expanded and gone through renovations as a hotel, restaurant, and function space.
It is known for its unique history, with stories of bushrangers and important political figures staying at the hotel over the years. Tourists and locals visit the Mundaring Weir Hotel today for its breathtaking views, delicious food, and rich history.
Construction of Mundaring Weir in the Darling Scarp begins.
Completion of the weir leads to increased popularity of the location among picnickers and sightseers in Perth.
During the Second World War The Weir was considered an enemy target and guards were posted. The roof of the Hotel was painted dark and part of the cellar was made into a bomb shelter with access from the ballroom above. The shelter is now the kitchen for the down stairs Café.
Under the Liquor Control Act 1988, it is an offence:
to sell or supply liquor to a person under the age of 18 years on licensed or regulated premises; or
for a person under the age of 18 years to purchase, or attempt to purchase, liquor on licensed or regulated premises
Please phone us on 92951106
Hotel CLOSED Tuesday 18th Feb during the day.
– Kitchen closed for maintenance
– Bar will be open for drinks as normal